The Story of
My name is Jim Wambolt and I am the creator of "Big Rack Buck Lure". I am mainly a Bow hunter. Hunting with a bow requires that the hunter get extremely close to his game. Deer, being my favorite prey, became my most sought after game. Deer lure, or scent, is a very useful tool in getting close to Whitetail deer. I used all I could find on the market but found they were not consistent enough for me. I began studying how dealers obtained their base lures and found there wasn't enough actual deer urine in the country to supply all the hunters that use it.
Then how do they make their lures? Scent companies had to resort to other sources to keep up with the demand. Due to legalities, the scents being labeled "buck" and "doe" had to come from an animal that were referred to as a "buck" and/or "doe". Cow urine actually worked as a curiosity magnet, in the early years... but they were "bull" and "cow" so they could no longer be used. What other choices remained? Goats and Rabbits. They fit the bill being "buck" and "does". Anyway, you get the picture.
Ranch deer are also used with some success, but you know what they say, you are what you eat. I did a lot of trapping back in the day and fox urine was a lot different sourced from a ranch than from a trapper that housed a fox in a pen and fed him mice and tainted road kill. It wasn't long before I came up with the idea of digging urine out of the snow that came from actual wild deer in large deer yards in the Maine woods, but for the next 3 years it would become a real challenge to develop a recipe that I could depend on.
You see, the urine alone would not work. You need sex glands to be added at correct amounts to make up the real bomb. In those 3 years I came up with a lot of different ways to make and use scent. It can be tricky. Even with the right recipe, you still need to be a good hunter to be successful. Then I asked myself, "How did you get the glands?". I gave that some thought when I went to a butcher and looked out back and saw a truck load of the very parts one would need to extract the glandular "gold". " What are you going to with those?", I asked. "To the dump!", the butcher said. I rest my case. Now that I had a source on the proper ingredients, "Big Rack Buck Lure" was born.
It was a real treat when the trail cameras came out, affordable. Now I could show folks just how effective my lure is. Now, I get so much satisfaction looking at other hunter's videos that use my lure. It puts a smile on my face for sure!​
There you have it! The story of BIG RACK! I can't give out all my secrets, but it's enough to make you understand that I don't chase deer around in the woods with a tea cup and what I put into my bottles is the real deal!
Thanks for visiting! Shoot straight and may all your trophies be worthy of the book!
These are actual images I captured of deer coming in to get a closer "sniff" of BIG RACK! Look closely and you can see the small sign where I placed it!